

Reference to what the setting did during Covid. 

Corona virus (COVID -19) Information

Home from Home was open throughout COVID-19, reopening our doors fully in June.

Please be reassured, that whilst we are taking necessary extra measures for everyone’s safety, we will remain a happy, homely and safe place for your child, whilst keeping the nursery running as normally and as friendly as possible. As a provider of childcare and early education we take health and safety seriously, in light of the current outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), we have put together some information for parents based on the official advice from Public Health England and the Department for Education.  We continue to monitor the situation closely, and ask all families to follow the official advice at all times. If you have any questions in addition to the information provided on this page, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will strive to help you in any way we can. 


Useful links:

General advice and information relating to Covid-19:


Social Media update pages:


Are you or somebody you know self-isolating? Then check out this advice sheet:
