
Nursery Fees



Home from Home fees reflect an attitude on non-compromise on standards, for example, supernumerary Director of Education and Director of Operations, a high level of qualified and experienced key staff, including a large leadership team who support the smooth running of the setting, from a dedicated transition coordinator to room leaders to SEND specialists to Designated Safeguarding Officers and Health and Safety leaders. 

We provide nutritious home cooked meals using fresh produce. The fees cover all of your child’s needs, including bottles, formula, nappies, wipes, creams, all meals, snack and drinks, yoga and drama classes are also included. If you require specific nappies, e.g. cloth nappies or Naturecare, we would ask you to provide these.

The Pre Preparatory unit, BBO (Bees, Badgers and Owls), benefits from input provided by our Director of Education who has Early Year Professional Status and holds a Postgraduate Certificate in Education, as well as as a Qualified Teacher based in the room full time. 


Applicable from April 2024

No. of

days per


Monthly amount










£1910.56 *Standard Rate*

£1685.67 *Discounted Rate*


We try to accommodate extra sessions for parents when needed and these are charged at the following rates:

SessionsTimes Fees
½ day- Ad Hoc Only from September 2023

7.30am-12.30pm or


12.30pm-5.30pm or


Full Day7.30am-6.15pm £88.18



Late fees; £29.82 for every 15 minutes late after collection time, for example, after, 12.30pm, 1.00pm & 6.15pm.

Fees are paid monthly in advance by standing order, due on the 24th of each month for the following month. Payment methods: first payment by bank transfer, then subsequent payments by standing order. All childcare vouchers are accepted as part payment of fees. Parents/Carers must notify the office of the amounts being paid by other methods not including standing orders.


Partial weekly/monthly attendance for starters and leavers is charged at the applicable daily rate, i.e. £88.18. Fees are payable all year round, regardless of non-attendance. If a younger sibling also attends full time, £100 per month discount off the fees is given.


Fees are due irrespective of attendance, this includes all bank holidays and Christmas Eve to New Years Day inclusive, when the nursery is closed, this reflects the reduced fee increase in April 2023 to support affordability for families, whilst remaining sustainable. 


The fees are reviewed annually. Any changes to fees will be effective from the month following a review. Please be advised that the fees charged will be those applicable at date of commencement.
