

Government funding for three and four year old’s

As you probably know, your child becomes eligible for the universal 15 hours government funding, from the start of the school term after their third birthday. This means that most three year old's will be able to start a free nursery place in the September, January or April, following their third birthday. You may also be entitled to the extended 30 hours funding, in order to access this entitlement you will need to contact HMRC and obtain your child’s eligibility code. In some cases, funding can be claimed from 9 months onwards; at this age however, it is either means tested or for working families who meet the criteria. A funding pack will be sent to families with children who are due the universal 15 hours funding at 3&4, however, if you are eligible for the under 3's funding, you must contact the office.

Please note that it is the parent/carer's responsibility to notify the setting of any change in circumstances, failure to renew any existing codes or obtain a valid code, may result in fee arrears.


In order to continue to deliver high quality care and education to all children accessing funding and to enable us to offer the extended entitlement to all families who are eligible, we do have to charge for additional services that are not covered by the government funding. However, these services are not a condition of accessing the 15 or 30 hours entitlement, you can opt out by contacting the office.


Home from Home Additional Services – the below list highlights the services that are not included in the government funding, we offer a fixed additional services fee, for parents who would like to continue to access all the provisions they did prior to taking up a funded place. 


Meals & Snacks (included in extra package fee)

Breakfast Club (included in extra package fee)

Drama (included in extra package fee)

Yoga (included in extra package fee)

Outings (included in extra package fee)

Observations / Reports /Daily Tapestry Blogs

Weekly Vimeo Footage 

External Reports (i.e. private schools assessment data- additional fee applicable)

Nappies/Pullups/consumables (included in extra package fee)

Seasonal provisions, for example, sun cream, hats, waterproof overalls (included in extra package fee)

External events, for example, sports day/graduation, festive events such as the Christmas party (included in extra package fee)

Dedicated Administration team to support high levels of communication  (included in extra package fee)

Higher staff to child ratios  (included in extra package fee)

Higher staff qualifications and experience, for example, QTS, graduates, large leadership team ( (included in extra package fee)



 Payment Terms

· Fees must be paid monthly (other than fees paid via the Local Authority)

· Fees remain due in the event of your child's absence, for any reason, as our running costs remain the same.

· If fees are not paid, all additional services offered, other than the free entitlement, will be withdrawn until the fees have been paid.

· In cases of prolonged absence e.g. through illness, parents should consult the Anne Carter.
